The Bonner Gospel Mission and its board members reserve the right to interpret the Scripture without any outside influence or mandate other than the work of the Author of Holy Scriptures, the Holy Spirit.
- There is only one God – Isa. 43:10; 44:6-8; Jn. 17: 17:3; I Cor. 8:5-6; Gal 4: 8-9
- There are no Gods before or after God – Isa. 43:10
- God has always been God – Psalms 90:2
- God is a Trinity – II Cor. 13:14; I Pet 1:2
- God is sovereign – Zech. 9:14; I Tim. 6:15-16
- God knows all things – I Jn. 3:20
- God is all-powerful – Ps 115:3
- God is everywhere – Jer 23:23-24
- God is spirit – Jn. 4:24
- Spirit does not have a body of flesh and bones – Luke 24:39
- God created all that exists – Gen. 1:1; Isa. 44:24
- Jesus is God – Jn 1:1,14; 10:30-33; 20:28; Col. 2:9; Phil 2:5-8; Heb. 1:8
- Jesus became a man, born of a virgin – Matt. 1:18; Phil 2:5-8
- Jesus has two natures: divine and human – Col. 2:9; I Tim 2:5
- Jesus was sinless – I Pet 2:22
- Jesus is the only way to God the Father – Jn. 14:6; Matt. 11:27; Lk. 10:22
- Jesus died for all our sins – I Jn. 2:2; II Cor. 5:14; I Pet. 2:24
- Jesus’ sacrifice was a substitution for us – I Pet. 2:24
- Jesus rose from the dead in His physical body – Jn 2:19-21
- The Holy Spirit is God – Acts 5:3-4
- The Holy Spirit is not a force, He is alive – Acts 13:2
- The Bible is the inspired (God-breathed) Word of God – II Tim. 3:16; II Pet. 2:20-21
- The Bible is the only infallible standard of faith and practice by which the life of believers is to be lived – Jn. 16:12-13; 17:17; Heb. 4:12
- Man was created. He did not evolve. – Gen. 1:26
- Adam and Eve were real people – Gen. 3:20; 5:1; I Tim. 2:13
- Death entered the world because of Adam’s sin – Rom. 5:12-15
- All people have sinned – Rom. 3:23; 5:12
- Sin separates us from God – Isa. 59:2
- Those who reject Jesus and His finished work on the cross will go to Hell – Rev. 20:11-15
- Hell is a place of fiery punishment – Matt. 25:41; Rev. 19:20
- The unsaved go to Hell awaiting the final judgment of being cast into Gehenna, the lake of fire and brimstone – Rev 20:13-15; 21:8
- Salvation is a free gift of God – Rom. 4:5; 6:23; Eph. 2:8-9
- To be saved is to be born again – Jn. 3:1-8
- Christ must be received by faith by a repentant sinner – Jn. 1:12
- Satan will be cast into the lake of fire – Rev. 20:10
- There will be new heavens and a new earth – II Pet. 3:13; Rev. 21:1